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async_lock / lock

from py_cachify.asyncio import async_lock
from py_cachify.sync import lock

# Use it within an asynchronous context
async with async_lock('resource_key'):
    # Your critical section here
    print('Critical section code')

# Use it within a synchronous context
with lock('resource_key'):
    # Your critical section here
    print('Critical section code')

once decorator

from datetime import date
from time import sleep
from py_cachify import once
from .celery import celery

async def long_running_function() -> str:
    # Executing long-running operation...

def create_transactions(for_date: date) -> None:
    # Creating...

@once(key='another_long_running_task', return_on_locked='In progress')
def another_long_running_function() -> str:
    return 'Completed'

@once(key='exception_if_more_than_one_is_running', raise_on_locked=True)
def one_more_long_running_function() -> None:
    # Executing

cached decorator

from py_cachify import cached

@cached(key='example_key', ttl=60)
def expensive_function(x):
    print('Executing expensive operation...')
    return x ** 2

def async_expensive_function(arg_a: int, arg_b: int) -> int:
    return arg_a + arg_b