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Installation and Setup


To install:

pip install py-cachify

# or if using poetry
poetry add py-cachify

Initialization (working with in-memory cache or redis)

To start working with it, you'll have to initialize it using init_cachify:

from py_cachify import init_cachify

By default, it will use an in-memory cache and prefix='_PYC_' as a cache key prefix (you can set it to whatever you like if needed)

If you want to use Redis:

from py_cachify import init_cachify
from redis.asyncio import from_url as async_from_url
from redis import from_url

init_cachify(sync_client=from_url(redis_url), async_clien=async_from_url(async_redis_client))
Normally you wouldn't have to use both sync and async clients since an application usually works in a single mode i.e. sync/async.

Once initialized you can use everything that the library provides straight up without being worried about managing the cache yourself.

If you forgot to call init_cachify the CachifyInitError will be raised during runtime.

See Examples.

Working with a different cache backend

If you want to use any other backend cache provider like for example memcached, you'll probably have to provide a small wrapper around its client to match the py-cachify's signature.

To make it easier you can subclass the provided client's protocols.

from py_cachify import AsyncClient, SyncClient

class YourCoolCacheClient(SyncClient):